Gulf Islands

Early September is the best time to visit the islands around Vancouver, when sunshine drenches the skies and water in brilliant blue. I have stared at Bowen Island on the horizon for many years, but have never taken the 15-minute ferry ride to actually visit the place. It's a great feeling to take action on something, instead of just thinking about it, or putting it on a list. We didn't have an agenda once we got there, so we were free to walk, drive, sit, meander and explore. Imagine the freedom and surprising outcomes that might come from approaching a project that way. Sometimes we can get so detailed in pursuit of specific goals, so attached to an agenda or task lists, that we miss out on ideas and directions that might just flow, organically, if we were free to receive them.

I took this shot just as our ferry was pulling away from the island, on our way home to North Vancouver.